About The Author

Tara Lynn Townes

Tara Lynn Townes, a native of Bayonne NJ, experienced intense bullying during her childhood due to her being an overweight child from an interracial marriage. As a mother, Tara Lynn was concerned that her son Encore, born with dwarfism, would similarly face discrimination. Her concerns were proved right when Encore was subjected to extreme bullying. Tara Lynn became an advocate for diversity and anti-bullying, spearheading the establishment of Tiny Be Mighty, a non-profit organization aimed at raising awareness about dwarfism and combating bullying. In addition, she works with families who have lost children between the ages of 7-17 because of bullying.  Thanks to her work, Tara Lynn and her son received the congressional citation award from the State of Connecticut for their anti-bullying work in the community.

Tara Lynn has a Master’s in Human Development and Family Studies from Arizona State University, over 20 years of experience working with women, children, and families, and is a Certified Life Coach, Certified Bullying Prevention Expert, developmental therapist, curriculum writer, published author, and app inventor. She also serves as a mentor for the Women’s Welfare to Work program and was recognized by the California State Senate and Congress for her work and participation. Her personal and professional journeys have instilled in her the belief that living beyond ourselves is how we create greatness while maintaining that whatever we put in the universe will never return void, so we should always make it our best.